
برزنتيشن باللغة الانجليزية سهل و بسيط و قصير عن طائر الدودو

برزنتيشن سهل و بسيط و قصير عن طائر الدودو  The dodo was a bird that lived on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. It had very small wings but it couldn't fly. It lived on the ground. European sailors hunted the dodo when they arrived - on the island in 1507. By l681, the dodo was extirct.

برزنتيشن بسيط وسهل وقصير عن حيوان المها العربي

برزنتيشن بسيط وسهل و قصير عن حيوان المها العربي The Arabian oryx has got two very long. straight  horns. It is white and very beautiful. Once, there were lots of oryx in the deserts and mountains of Arabia, including Oman, These beautiful animals were hunted for sport. By 1972, there were none left in the wild. Luckily, they were saved from exctinction by being bred in a zoo in America. Nowadays, you can see them on the Jiddat Al Harasees in central Oman. This is a special place where the oryx are protected by rangers. The rangers drive around the reserve and stop people from stealing or shooting the oryx.

زراعة السدر و تكاثرها و فوائدها

زراعة السدر و تكاثرها و فوائدها شجرة السدر وموسم زراعتها : ومسمياتها- الدوم - الكنار - النبق النبج - ثمرة السدر "العبري السدره يمكن زراعتها بذور او فسيله على مدار السنة ، إلا إن أفضل وقت لزراعتها شهر مارس وأبريل أشجار السدر (النبق)  الاسم العلمي Zizyphus Vulgaris من عائلة Rhamneae  السدر من أشجار البيئة المعروفة ، وتوجد منها مجموعة كبيرة في الفنطاس وغيرها من الأماكن الأخرى .  موطنها سوريا وبلاد الشرق وتنبت في بقاع عديدة من العالم كأوساط الهند وكثير من المناطق الحارة الجافة ، ولا توجد في المرتفعات وسفوح الجبال .  وتعتبر السدر من أهم أشجار المناطق الحارة الجافة ذات التربة الملحية. التكاثر والزراعة :   ينمو السدر في المناطق الحارة الجافة ذات التربة الفقيرة ويتحمل ملوحة التربة، ويعتبر من أفضل النباتات التي تتحمل مثل هذه الظروف القاسية ، ويتكاثر بالبذور أو تزرع النواة الخشبية من الثمار التامة النضج ويمكن زراعة البذور على مدار السنة ، ألا إن أفضل وقت لزراعتها شهر مارس وأبريل . ونظرا لصلابة البذور ، فإنها تحتاج إلى ما يقرب من 20 يوما للإنبات ، لذا يجب أن تشقق قبل ا...

The Al Baleed Archaeological Park

The Al Baleed Archaeological Park   The History of Al Baleed   Al Baleed was the most important ancient port on the Arabian Sea. It is located in Salalah, Dhofar, The Al Baleed site dates back to 2000 BC. The port city of Al Baleed was established in the 11th century and it became the centre of the frankincense trade.  AT Baleed was discovered in 1930. The huge 64,000 hectre site is still being excavated by archaeologists today. In 2000, the site was given UNESCO World Heritage Site status. The Al Baleed Archaeological Site The ancient city of Al Baleed was divided into three main sections: commercial, residential and services. One of the most important discoveries was the Al Baleed mosque, which archaeologists believe was built in the 11th century. The mosque was located in the west of the city. It had 144 columns and some of the columns can still be seen today. The remains of a 13 metre high fort were also found in the same part of the city. The city was sur...

Ahmed Bin Majid

Ahmed Bin Majid Ahmed Bin Majid was a famous Omani sailor and navigator. He was known as the 'Lion of the Sea' for his expertise in sailing and navigation. Ibn Majid was born around 1421 in Oman. He was raised in a family of professional sailors. At a young age, Ibn Majid took his first sailing trip with his father. His father taught him everything he knew about sailing and navigation. He also insisted that Ibn Majid had a clear understanding of the Qu'ran.  At the age of seventeen, Ibn Majid became a sailor. He quickly progressed to the position of Master Mariner. However, he was not only famous for his sailing ability. Perhaps his most important achievement was the books he wrote to record his knowledge of sailing, navigation and the ports of the Arab trading empire. His most famous book is called Al-Fawaid Fi Usul ilm Al-Bahr Wa Al-Qawaid '. He also wrote almost 40 poems. Ibn Majid invented the 'kamal' a simple but effective tool for navigation. He al...

The United Nations

The United Nations  The United Nations is an international organisation formed by governments around the world to maintain peace, develop friendly relations between nations and achieve international cooperation. It also works to address 21st century issues such as human rights, climate change, sustainable development, equality, and humanitarian and health emergencies.

Climate change

Climate Change The term climate change refers to a change or an increase in average global temperatures. Climate change is a serious threat to our planet. As a result of climate change oceans are warming, ice caps are melting and sea levels are rising. We are experiencing an increase in droughts, floods, heat waves and other climate related disasters. If we do not take action now, we may all be in danger in the future.