برزنتيشن بسيط وسهل وقصير عن حيوان المها العربي

برزنتيشن بسيط وسهل و قصير عن حيوان المها العربي

The Arabian oryx has got two very long. straight 
horns. It is white and very beautiful. Once, there were lots of oryx in the deserts and mountains of Arabia, including Oman, These beautiful animals were hunted for sport. By 1972, there were none left in the wild. Luckily, they were saved from exctinction by being bred in a zoo in America. Nowadays, you can see them on the Jiddat Al Harasees in central Oman. This is a special place where the oryx are protected by rangers. The rangers drive around the reserve and stop people from stealing or shooting the oryx.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

Ahmed Bin Majid

كيف تمتص النباتات الماء و الاملاح المعدنية