Ahmed Bin Majid
Ahmed Bin Majid Ahmed Bin Majid was a famous Omani sailor and navigator. He was known as the 'Lion of the Sea' for his expertise in sailing and navigation. Ibn Majid was born around 1421 in Oman. He was raised in a family of professional sailors. At a young age, Ibn Majid took his first sailing trip with his father. His father taught him everything he knew about sailing and navigation. He also insisted that Ibn Majid had a clear understanding of the Qu'ran. At the age of seventeen, Ibn Majid became a sailor. He quickly progressed to the position of Master Mariner. However, he was not only famous for his sailing ability. Perhaps his most important achievement was the books he wrote to record his knowledge of sailing, navigation and the ports of the Arab trading empire. His most famous book is called Al-Fawaid Fi Usul ilm Al-Bahr Wa Al-Qawaid '. He also wrote almost 40 poems. Ibn Majid invented the 'kamal' a simple but effective tool for navigation. He al...
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